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2016 Toyota Corolla Sedan

Stock #: ABC123 
Vin #: 55256767 
Inventory Quality Score

17 Days in Stock View Live

Used 2016 Toyota Corolla Sedan 

Your Inventory Quality Score: 20


Add 6-8 More Images Critical


Ads with an average of 8 images perform 5x better than ads with one single image. More images creates better consumer engagement. 

Add Car Proof Report Critical


If available, a Carproof report establishes trust and transparency between a used car seller and buyer by removing the guesswork about a vehicle’s past.

Add Vehicle Specs Critical


Transparency widgets on AT VDP are not displaying enough content. Vehicles showing additional features typically sell 3x more than vehicles without any feature.

Add a Detailed Description Critical


Make sure your description is at least 100 words long. Descriptions including keywords and features have 5x more chances of getting your vehicle sold

Define More Vehicle Features Critical


Tell your buyers what features add value to your car. Vehicle descriptions including features have 5x more chances of getting sold.

Define Conditions for this Vehicle Critical


Tell your buyers what features add value to your vechile. Vehicle descriptions including features have 5x more chances of getting sold.

Add Images Critical


You have no images. Vehicles with pictures have 10x more chances of getting sold.

Add Kilometers Critical


Users want to know the age of your engine in terms of kilometers. Descriptions including odometer have 3x more chances of getting your vehicle sold.

Your Internet Price may not be Correct Critical


Vehicles priced above average have little chance of getting sold. Vehicles with competitive prices have 5x more chances of getting sold.

Add MSRP Price  Critical


Vehicles showing MSRP price in addition to Internet price have more chances of being sold.

Your Internet Price may not be Correct in vAuto Critical


Vehicles priced above average have little chance of getting sold. Vehicles with competitive prices have 5x more chances of getting sold.

Add Price Critical


Your Vehicle has no price on the listing. Vehicles without a price have little chance of getting sold.

Completed Actions for Used 2016 Toyota Corolla Sedan3

August 5, 2017
Removed recommendation "add vehicle specs"  Undo
Edited by Joe Doe
Ad Quality Score
August 5, 2017

August 5 | 2017 | 11:23 pm

August 6, 2017
Changed Price from $50,000 to $15,000 
Edited by Joe Doe
Ad Quality Score +30
August 6, 2017

August 7 | 2017 | 11:23 pm

August 6, 2017
Changed Price from $20,000 to $50,000 
Edited by Joe Doe
Ad Quality Score -20
August 7, 2017

August 7 | 2017 | 11:23 pm

August 5, 2017
Added 6 New Images into gallery Pending Update 
Edited by Joe Doe
Ad Quality Score +30
August 7, 2017

August 7 | 2017 | 11:23 pm

August 5, 2017
Added to Inventory
Edited by Joe Doe
Ad Quality Score
August 1, 2017

August 5 | 2017 | 11:23 pm

Completed Actions for Used 2016 Toyota Corolla Sedan3

Action Completed Ad Quality Score Date Edited By
Removed recommendation "add vehicle specs"  Undo 20 1 minute ago Joe Dealer
Added 6 Images Pending Update 20 2 minutes ago Joe Dealer
Reduced Price from $20,000 to $15,000 20 May 9, 2017 Joe Dealer
Added Video "toyota-corolla-trailer.mp4" 10 May 9, 2017 Joe Dealer